Government Relations
"That government is best which governs, governs least…"
– Henry David Thoreau
Walton & Walton’s attorneys have extensive experience across a wide range of industries and issues. We work with all branches of government, through both traditional and innovative channels, to promote and protect our clients’ interests, and to formulate legislative, regulatory and political strategies to support our clients’ needs.
Our range of services include:
Monitoring and analysis of pending legislation and agency rules
Drafting legislation and administrative rules
Preparation of testimony
Development of policy and issue management strategies
Public policy litigation (challenging statutes and regulations)
Coalition formation
Development and implementation of grass-roots campaigns
Securing federal and state grants and other funding
Access to Government
Freedom of Information Act
Our attorneys are skilled in filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests on behalf of clients with local, state and federal agencies. When necessary, we pursue FOIA rights in litigation to assure compliance with the law.