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In the News

July 25, 2014

W&W Defeats Motion to Quash

W&W's litigation team successfully defeated Motions to Quash and to Dismiss for Forum Non Conveniens filed in the Los Angeles Superior Court by an alleged North Carolina resident who is being sued here in California.

"This was a complex Motion, and I am proud of our litigation team for defeating it," says Chair of the Firm's Litigation Practice Jim DeBardelaben. "These clients, like all our clients, deserve fast and effective legal redress for their wrongs.  Our legal team today vindicated their right to do so in California."

Walton & Walton, LLP provides value-driven litigation solutions for clients throughout the United States. Our trial team has delivered successful verdict after successful verdict in courtrooms across the country, in complex areas ranging from valuation disputes, to tax controversies, to capital murder cases. We are proud of the fact that we have never lost a client to the death chamber--even though our focus is business litigation. We would be honored to explore how we can deliver the same stellar results for you.


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